of Robotics & Embedded System Design with 8051 |
Total duration - 60 hours of lectures and
practicals/hands-on. After this a mini-project will be undertaken by the
trainee based on the learnings of this course. The trainee would be
encouraged to design the project before implementing.
This training will prepare you for doing your own projects.
Course Instructor - Rupam Das. Total professional
experience of over 18 years in Software Development and Training. For more
details on trainer, visit http://www.rupamdas.com and
Email: info@rupamdas.com, mailrupam@gmail.com
Mobile: +91 98407 84107
This training program has been designed to provide a thorough understanding
of C programming & Embedded Systems basics and principles using 8051
based 8-bit microcontrollers. It teaches all the basic components of Embedded
Systems and creates an understanding on how to integrate these components to
design, program and develop a complete system. The knowledge imparted in this
training will serve as a solid foundation for Embedded Systems design and
development principles. This course also covers principles of Robotics and
covers design of robots.
The level of C programming taught in this course is sufficient for campus
placement for BE/BTech students.
All the modules have hands-on and lab sessions, with more tutorials
provided for further study. Each topic in 8051 programming will be matched
with real-time experiments on the hardware kits. |
Target audience for the program
This program is targeted at undergraduate Engineering students. This
program can also be attended by interested students of MCA and PG Engineering
Prerequisites/Knowledge required
to attend this program
- Exposure to programming, in any language
- C programming - basic level but not mandatory
- Basics of Digital Electronics
Areas to be covered in this
- C programming and application development
- Introduction to Embedded Systems
- 8051 Architecture and C51 Assembly Language Programming
- Embedded C for 8051
- Building simple hardware circuits with 8051 MCU and programming them in
Embedded C
- Design of Embedded Systems
Content |
C Foundations - Refresher |
Foundations of C programming - Header files, Libraries,
Compilers |
Types, declarations and expressions |
Control Flow, Functions and program structure |
Arrays, pointers, structures and unions |
Input and output handling |
Introduction to Embedded Systems |
What is Embedded System? |
Standard component of Embedded Systems - Processor, Memory,
I/O, Peripherals, Software, Algorithms |
Processor types - Microcontrollers, Microprocessors, DSP,
Peripherals - Parallel and Serial Ports, UART, Timers, Real
time clocks, I2C bus, DMA controllers |
Analogue Interfaces - A-D and D-A conversion, CODECs |
Interrupts and Interrupt handling |
Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS) - Introduction and basics |
8051 Architecture and C51 Assembly Language Programming |
8051 Architecture - Oscillator, Clock, Internal memory and
RAM, SFRs, Internal ROM, I/O pins and ports |
External memory, Counters and Timers, Serial Data I/O,
Interrupts |
Assembly language instructions |
Data operations, logical operations, arithemetic
operations, Program control |
Configuration and programming of 8051 Ports, Timers and
Interrupts |
Interfacing 8051 with LEDs and 7-Segment Display and
programming |
Interfacing with LCD and programming |
Serial Data Communication programming |
Embedded C |
Embedded Software development using C |
Porting 8051 Assembly code to C |
Cross compilation, Downloading, Testing, Debugging |
Design of Embedded Systems |
Problem definition, requirements and specifications |
Software planning - Hardware design and software design |
Design of sensor-based robots, PWM control of motors,
Digital Thermometer |
Project ideas and discussion |